
A Night in the Life of Harvard Police Officers

News Feature

Crowley says that the role of police at parties may be misunderstood.

"I don't want to inhibit anyone's right to have a good time," Crowley says. "I'm just there to make sure no one wrecks the property."

Crowley says that he chaperoned a final club party where the theme was "Leather and Lace."

"It was pretty strange," says Crowley.

McCarthy says he hopes the new community policing plan which permanently assigns officers to specific houses will improve relations and understanding between police and students.


Officers have already begun to eat in house dining halls.

McCarthy says he hopes that more students will begin approaching the officers in the dining halls.CrimsonMatthew P. MillerFRANCIS D. "BUD" RILEY, chief of the Harvard University Police Department.

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