
Rudenstine: No Change in Yard Access

Rudenstine also said the University is actively recruiting a replacement for former General Counsel Margaret Marshall, who recently became a member of the state's Supreme Judicial Court.

With the November 30 deadline for applications approaching, Harvard is still seeking attorneys with strong personal integrity and an interest in higher education, Rudenstine said.

"We want someone who is as talented and capable as our former general counsel," he said. "Someone with a lot of judgement and a lot of knowledge."

Rudenstine reiterated the Administration's support for newly appointed Harvard Medical School (HMS) Dean Joseph B. Martin.

"I'm extremely pleased," Rudenstine said. "He's an extraordinary person, and experienced person, wise, thoughtful and humane."


Martin, who is currently the chancellor of the University of California-San Francisco, will take over at HMS when Daniel C. Tosteson '44 retires at the end of this academic year

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