
FAS Tackles Retirement Benefits

Committee Recommends Increasing Payments For Younger Faculty

"The dean is likely to get more than 50 percent of work from the faculty member during that time," he said.

But Knowles said he will continue to consider requests for such half-time status "on an individual, rather than programmatic, basis" for a maximum of two years.

"The Dean should not make [half-time status] a blanket rule," he added.

Knowles said the retiree's department should be involved in the decision a move to half-time status.

"The chairs of the departments became nervous lest too many of their colleagues went to half-time," he said after the meeting, recalling dis- cussions with department heads three years ago.

Knowles also noted that he has granted all six requests for half-time status that he has received since then.


E-mail Gripes

During the meeting's question period, Professor of Classics and History Christopher P. Jones criticized the recent instability of the FAS computer network.

"Many of us who use e-mail regularly...know that the situation is not well," Jones said. "I would like to know...what amelioration we can hope for."

Knowles noted that the recently released report of the Committee on Information Technology recommends increased expenditures for network backup to prevent such problems.

After the meeting, Jones said he attempted to contact The Crimson by e-mail, but gave up and telephoned instead.

"It does seem to me that the Harvard people should be able to get their act together," he said last night.

Capital Campaign Update

Associate FAS Dean for Development Susan K. Feagin announced yesterday that FAS has raised $610 million in its capital campaign to date, which represents 63 percent of its nearly $1 billion goal.

Feagin said the campaign has been buoyed by the strong performance of the stock market.

Feagin also said that large gifts from young alumni and women donors and volunteers have contributed to the campaign's success

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