Stowe recommends that the government take steps to facilitate adoption, making day care available and encouraging fathers to stay involved in the rearing of their children as methods to put a cap on abortions in the United States.
Stowe calls affirmative action a "necessary evil" and says that there is still "a place for affirmative action."
He says that he believes government can play a role in "righting those wrongs" of the past.
Stowe says that one reason his campaign treasury is less than $5,000 is for purely practical reasons. With this modest sum, Stowe avoids the federal campaign regulations which cut into campaign coffers.
Stowe also talks about what he termed the American political system's "systematic discrimination" against third parties, and points to European systems which are comparatively more accepting of such candidacies.
"We are willing to go out on a limb and advocate an unusual program, if it can be shown to work," says Stowe of the NLP's the philosophy.
"The American people are pragmatic, and if you show them that a new idea works, they'll go for it.