The game started at 4:30 p.m., and I was pretty tired. Didn't exactly feel like running around. So I volunteered to play goalie.
Unfortunately, we were facing the setting sun, and I couldn't see too well.
But no matter. We controlled the ball for the first few minutes, and I had a chance to work on a tan.
I could have gotten used to that.
But soon, I had to do that stopping shots thing, and that was OK too--until I stopped being able to stop some of the shots.
We lost that one, too, in a 3-2 nailbiter.
As I write this column, my 48 hours of intense intramural activity have ended.
In fact, just aboutallof my activity has ended, now that my muscles have stiffened up. I can almost feel them contracting.
Rigor Mortis?
How about "Rigor Vivis?"
But I'll recover, and I'll be back.
I've still gotta work on that timing thing.