
Weld, Kerry Hold Final Debate


In stark contrast to his unflattering portrayal of Weld, Kerry discussed his commitment to issues important to the working class, citing his support of the minimum wage bill and Pell grants for students.

Relying on the unpopular images of Republican extremism in the traditionally Democratic state, Kerry connected Weld to Washington Republicans.

"The mask is coming off--my opponent is a Republican," Kerry said. "He supports Bob Dole's $550 million tax cut."

Weld steered clear of the labels Kerry tried to pin on him by building himself up as a politician who can look beyond party lines in order to get the job done.

"I've worked with both parties to achieve these objectives," Weld said. "I call them like I see them."


Kerry was unable to escape questions about the controversial subsidized housing he received in Washington and Boston and the car he had for 16 months without making a payment for it.

"Maybe [Kerry] would be more attuned to raising taxes if he was paying his own bill," Weld said.

Approximately two million viewers watched the hour-long debate, which was held at historic Faneuil Hall

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