Some student rooms fared much worse, however.
Lowell House resident Jennifer K. Little '99 said her roommate woke yesterday to icy water dripping on her face.
"Our room still smells like wet plaster. We've been trying to get help, but the authorities haven't sent anyone yet," she said.
The storm forced Dunster House resident Rebecca J. Lowenhaupt '99 to rearrange her room.
"Right in the middle of our bedroom ceiling there's a big old leak," she said. "We used four buckets to collect the dripping water and even had to move our beds into the common room. Little did we know that our common room ceiling started leaking too."
The Dunster House superintendent was more optimistic about the situation.
"We had some water to pick up, but compared to other areas, we were pretty fortunate," said H. Joseph O'Connor