According to Hicks, the increased funding comes at a good time.
Because the 1965 Higher Education Act must be renewed within the next two years, it is strategically important that spending is on an upward trend, Hicks said.
"It will give us a strong position from which to operate," Hicks said. "I hope this is something that will move us in the right direction."
The overall political climate has proven that cutting education is unpopular, she said.
"What is clear is that education is a high priority," Hicks said. "The public has made it known that this is their priority."
Federal spending on education continues to be an important issue and politicians are already working on future proposals to generate more money for education.
Manley said Kennedy is readying a number of proposals for new programs to increase federal financial aid, notably a tax credit for families paying tuition.
He said Clinton will likely propose $1,500 federal tuition assistance to all students attending their first year of college, which can be renewed if students "maintain a B average and stay off drugs."
Also proposed is a $1,500 nationwide scholarship for all students in the top five percent of their graduating class in high school, Manley said.
While these proposals will be taken up by the 105th Congress which will convene after November's elections, MacMillan already said he doubts they are feasible.
"The fact of matter is, the President can talk and talk all he wants," MacMillan said. "We have never seen a legislative proposal from him. It all sounds more and more like election year rhetoric.