
FAS Report Spotlights Computers

News Analysis

The report also recommends improvements to Harvard's High Speed Data Network (which provides e-mail and Web connections), many of which have already been implemented.

FAS Computer Services has already installed additional servers and performed the network upgrades called for in the report, according to Steen.

Computer Services is also working on increasing each user's disk space.

This summer, Computer Services finished wiring many of the River houses, the last step in providing inroom network hook-ups to undergraduates.

The report, though, reveals that some of the wiring done before 1988 may have to be redone as network demands increase.


"The telephone system installed in 1988 has served us well...[but some] of this wiring will not support speeds ten times higher," according to the report.

Replacing the 1988 wiring "would be very expensive. We should not do it now," the report says.

A bigger problem facing this committee and information technology at Harvard more generally is the speed at which technology changes.

"If you were to have guessed five years ago where we would be today in information technology," said King, "you're guess would have been completely wrong.

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