
Three Scholars Awarded Tenure

McNally, Ekstrom Promoted From Associate Professorships

Ekstrom, a seismologist in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, said he is very excited about his tenure and happy that he will continue his earthquake research at Harvard.

"I am researching, in particular, how earthquake relate to plate tectonic theory and mountain building," said Ekstrom.

Among the undergraduate classes Ekstrom teaches are Earth and planetary Sciences 108: "Environmental Geology" and Science A-24: "The Dynamic Earth."

Ekstrom recently joined a committee in the Department of Environmental Science and Public Policy (ESPP).

"I am on the committee of ESPP and have a new, specific interest in environmental hazards, especially political issues in relation to dealing with them."


Ekstrom, who received his B.A. from Swarthmore College, was an exchange researcher at the Moscow State University before coming to Harvard to work on his Ph.D
