
Major Square Building Project Inches Forward

Historic Buildings Would Be Razed

"We are also concerned that transplanting children from the Pit, which is secured by a police presence, will push our children beyond where we can watch them," Gifford said.

And at least two city officials--Mayor Kenneth E. Rceves '72 and Councillor Francis H. Duehay '55--have said they oppose the bank's plan.

"It's very clear to me that Harvard Square is one of the most historical squares in the world," Rceves told The Crimson in July. "We have to understand that this is a city with an architectural history, and we have to preserve that."

Because the buildings have been deemed historically significant, a petition must first be approved by the Cambridge Historical Commission and the Harvard Square Advisory Committee before work on the project can begin.

Rotten Buildings


During his 45-minute presentation, Hemner stressed that the buildings must be demolished because parts have deteriorated to such an extent that they have been rendered unsafe--despite the fact that previous owners had spent $1 million making improvements.

At least one-third of the building space has been closed by fire department officials, and much of the plumbing and woodwork in the building has rotted, he said.

"It would be economic folly to try to put any more life into these old bones," Hemner said. "In my 40-plus years of experience, I have never seen buildings in this bad of a condition occupied."

Hemner deflected a suggestion by committee member Hugh A. Russell '64 that the group preserve the wooden facade and make major interior improvements.

"The trouble is that [the facade] was designed to fit on buildings of the 1800s," Hemner said. "We can rebuild with history as a guide, but we must not be controlled by history."

Alan McClennen, Jr. '61, trustee of Cambridge Savings Bank, said the bank is "committed to being a good neighbor" in the Harvard Square community and will work to attract local tenants.

A Boston restaurateur has already expressed interest in occupying the entire third floor, and efforts are being made to retain tenants already in the building, Hemner said.

In addition, present tenants The Tasty and the Wursthaus have made agreements to remain in the new building, he said.

But Frances Antupit, owner of Koby-Antupit Photographers, said the bank has provided other, lower profile tenants with little information and advice.

"The whole process has been closed," said Antupit, whose store is in the present building at 8 JFK St. "There has been no communication and no conversation among most tenants."

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