"I think there are just a lot of problems if it's perceived that the radical left is in charge of the non-partisan grants process or is representing the student body before the administration," the source adds.
Presidential Politics
PUCC leaders deny they have even considered whether to sponsor a candidate in the council's presidential election.
"I swear it's not something we've talked about as an organization," Purdy says.
Asked if he himself has his eyes on a top council office, Purdy says: "I find it rather distasteful."
This fall's elections will likely be the last before College-wide elections of executives are implemented.
Sources both close to and within PUCC point to Purdy as the most likely PUCC candidate, although none would confirm whether the coalition will indeed sponsor a candidate at all.
Some close to PUCC say they believe Purdy may not be dynamic enough to be a serious presidential contender.
"He has a different type of leadership, but I don't know if it'll play in front of 80 people," says one member of PUCC, before adding: "I hope it does."
Bonfili, also viewed as a potential candidate, says he has "no intention" of running for any executive board position, and says he is undecided about whether to run for the council at all.
At least one council leader, Vide President Justin C. Label '97, says he is impressed with what he has seen of PUCC's organization.
Label, a presidential candidate who is the council's highest ranking officer right now, says he doesn't see the group as a threat to his political ambitions.
P.U.C.C. Positions
The Progressive Undergraduate Council Coalition (PUCC) is debating a platform with a broad, activist, liberal agenda. Some of the plates described on a provisional copy and in interviews call for:
Faculty Reform
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