The class ends with a series of questions from Villavicencio, which the kids respond to by raising their hands.
"Who wants to make toys next week? Who's hot? Who learned something today? Who wants to play with glue next week?"
"I want to play with ketchup," a boy from group one says.
The Teachers
"We provide a supplement for the curriculum of the camps," Villavicencio says. "We provide a person who actually teaches the lesson."
The teachers are mostly undergraduates who participate in the ExperiMentors program through PBHA. Some are full-time volunteers who teach five days a week; others are part-time volunteers who teach three times a week.
Many of the part-time volunteers are splitting their summer between this and scientific research in a University laboratory.
Daihung Do '95, who goes by "Dai" (leading to some interesting misspellings of his name by his classes), says the positive response from his students can really make his day, and the other teachers agree.
"Hey--listen to this one," Do says, reading from a journal entry by one of his students at the weekly Sunday meeting for all the teachers. "`I like the experiment that you gave us. I don't know how to make the slime. But I will try.'" Do grins.
The journal entry continues, "But where did you learn these experiment anyway. But I like the slime the most. I like the sleeping experiment second the most."
The other teachers are looking through their journals too. Scott Campea '97 comes up with his favorite--"`I didn't think science could be fun but it is Scott is fun and is understanding.'"
All the teachers smile and jokingly complain that their kids don't come up with things that are that awesome. Villavicencio asks Campea to read that again.
"That's cool," Villavicencio says.
Jennifer Morazes '96, a committee chair who helped develop Summer Science, comes up with some of her favorites.
First, there are a few crayoned or markered pictures of her holding beakers. Then she pulls out a sheet of paper with a pencil drawing of a beaker with huge stars surrounding it.
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