
Two Visions of Public Service Program Clash

Chair of the advisory committee Anne Peretzsaid there has been some "anxiety" in PBH about"changing something when it doesn't appear to bebroken."

Given that there is a search despite the wishesof PBH, Peretz said she would like to see anassistant dean who responsive to all of PBH'sconstituencies--especially the students whoorganize and staff the programs.

"I think that the director of public serviceand the director of PBH needs to be someone whocan really relate to several differentconstituencies, the Faculty of Arts and Sciencebeing one of them, but they also have to be ableto relate to students, to the staff, to thecommunities in which we work," Peretz said.

Out With the old?

Every PBH affiliate interviewed expressednothing but admiration for Johnson's work over his15 years at Harvard. Robert Bridgeman, programdirector at PBH, said that every staff membersupports Greg Johnson for the Assistant deanship.


Many members of PBH said he would be theperfect choice for assistant dean because of hisexperience at Harvard and his outreach work withlocal and national service programs.

But Ehrlich said that the entire search is anattempt by FAS to rid the College of Johnson andreplace him with an administrative flunky.B-9SERVICECrimson File PhotoCity Councillor FRANCIS H. DUEHAY '55
