Mandryk always takes Nicholas and Zachary withher on digs.
"A lot of people think that's bizarre," Mandryksays. "Before I took them with me the first time,I kept saying that I was unwilling to be a man andleave my kids behind. They're too young to leave."
But whatever the day care arrangements, crisescan result when children get sick.
"If it would come to that, I would cancelclass," Greene says. "I could imagine it might."
Professors say that in large measure they haverelied on luck; they've had relatively healthy,happy and flexible children.
Juggling Priorities
Professors say balancing work pressures andfamily demands requires constant planning and,sometimes, a willingness to make sacrifices.
"It's a continual balancing act because,especially in the early stages of your career, youhave to keep pushing to grind out the work," Davissays. "But at the same time, when it's time to gopick up the baby, there's no alternative."
Friend says having children does not affect thecore of her work, the teaching and research, buthas meant that she has fewer outside commitmentsthan she might otherwise.
"I have to decide if it's worth it to assume acertain responsibility or go give a lecturesomeplace." she says.
Mandryk says she works to partition her day sto limit te conflict the two sets ofresponsibilities can create.
"[A friend told me] she decided to be 100percent a professor when the kids were in day careand 100 percent a mother when the kids were home.That's how I've been trying to operate here," shesays.
"As long as I'm working and away from my kids,I don't feel guilty," Mandryk says. "I try tobring as little as possible home to do. And if Ido [bring work home], I don't do it until they'reasleep."
According to the February 1995 report of theWork and Family Committee, which was formed in1993 by President Neil L. Rudenstine, facultymembers report "they encounter an underlyingattitude that time spent on family is proof of alack of commitment to--and even incompatiblewith--building an academic career."
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