
Hank Aaron Joins in Class Day Festivities

In the introductory remarks to Aaron's speech,Class Marshal Heidi M. Thompson '95 introducedAaron as someone who has spoken out on others'behalf.

"He took his status as one of thegreatest...and he has consistently given his timeand his self to work for others who have not had avoice, because he knows that he has a voice, agreat hammering voice," she said.

When Aaron rose to speak, he paused for severalseconds while photographers rushed to take hispicture.

"I am truly honored to be here," he began. "Iwas reluctant to accept until my wife Billie, whois much more in tune with the academic communitythan I am, insisted that there are two invitationsthat you do not turn down. One is an invitationto the White House and the other an invitation toHarvard and Radcliffe University."

The class marshals invited Aaron in April whenhe came to speak at Mather House at a receptionsponsored by the Harvard Foundation.


After the ceremonies were over, Aaron wasbesieged by fans seeking his autograph as Harvardpolice sought to keep crowds away.

He gave a brief interview for the Channel 56television station and signed several autographsbefore being escorted into Memorial Church.

He emerged on the other side of the Churchseveral minutes later after the crowd haddissipated, and got into the back seat of awaiting car, along with Director of the HarvardFoundation Dr. S. Allen Counter, who is a friend
