The U.S. must better defend the rights of itsminorities. "Democracy is not mob rule, it's nottyranny of the majority, "West said. "When thosedemocratic institutions are blocked, lethargy andapathy set in."
The political system is also collapsing, Westsaid. He blasted "market politicians" and"thermostat politicians" whose point of view is"'let me hear what is your opinion, rather than meshape your opinion," ' and who base their ownconvictions.
West had three recommendations for thegraduating class, He said America's leaders mustattempt to reconcile a profoundly troubled pastwith a conscientious approach to the nation'sfuture.
West urged the audience to "try to generatenon-market values in a market society," including"kindness and sweetness and gentleness andtenderness." He also said public policy leadersmust be self-critical and open-minded.
"I am in no way optimistic about America,"West said, "But I am a prisoner of hope."
American democracy must reinvent itself now "atthe exact moment that it seems we're sliding downthe slippery slope into anarchy and chaos," Westsaid.
"For those willing to meet the challenge," Westsaid, "I'll be with you because I'm going downfighting.