The Sociology department comes into his own, as it splits from the Social Relations department.
A riot brakes out in the Square. As street fighting rages for four hours, police use tear gas and clubs to break up a crowd that peak at 3000.
Ground is broken for the new Science Center.
Nixon announces an invasion of Cambodia and a "stepping up" in the war.
SDS march against government policies which had the intent of burning the campus ROTC building is blocked by more moderate students.
Kent State, Jackson State and Ohio State erupt, an several students are killed. Campuses across the nation erupt in protest.
The faculty votes a resolution allowing students to skip their final exams so they can protest against the war.
350 students set up pickets and succeeded in keeping administrators out of University Hall of a day. They claim they will not leave until their demands are met.
Both students and faculty call for the abolition of the Committee on Rights and Responsibilities, which they call a repressive body.
Black Business School students strike to protest racism at HBS.
The Corporation flaunts faculty and student opinion and votes in favor of the GM management and against Ralph Nader's group in a stock proxy fight.
Commencement is coed for the first time. Pusey gives a farewell Baccalaureate address which condemns students radicals. The ceremonies are disrupted as Cambridge residents storm the stage.