
Students Voice Concerns At University-Wide Meeting

Some Question Effectiveness of House Advising System

"The number of [criteria] we use in assessing students' health has got to be turned up," Epps said. "We've got to be more attentive. We have to surround students with safeguards. This amount of suicides is unusual for Harvard."

'Enthusiasm and Energy'

Earlier in the meeting, six HVA members recalled positive memories of Ho, who they described as industrious and unfailingly kind.

"Trang was an exceptionally hard working student; she engaged her assignments and duties with enthusiasm and energy," said Quoc Anh Tuan Doan '97.

"Trang showed great compassion for others, a motivating factor in her decision to pursue medicine after college," Michael K. Tran '96 said. "While she was here at Harvard with us, she was very supportive of her friends."


The HVA members also said Trang was sociable and upbeat.

"Trang is remembered as an out-going and fun-loving person by her friends," Hans L. Stohrer '95 said. "She was lively, seemed always to wear a smile, and had cheery and friendly words for all whom she met."

'Another Picture'

Three members of HASA, which Tadesse joined her first year, recalled a young woman very different than the one portrayed by the press.

"What I am here to do is not to explain...but only to reflect what I know of Sinedu Tadesse," said Inati R. Ntashanga '95. "Sinedu was a very responsible student. She was always there on time; she was usually the last person to leave."

"It's a shock and a surprise that this happened," said Humphrey Wattenga '96, a native of Kenya who met Tadesse during first-year orientation week. "Sinedu was usually soft-spoken. She was reserved in a way, but someone I considered a good friend. We are all saddened by this affair and [by] the loss of both students."

"She was easy to talk to and very encouraging," Wattenga said.

Adey A. Fisseha '95, former president of HASA, said: "The one word that has been repeated again and again throughout this time is that she was very, very nice. She was very understanding, the type of person you can complain to about anything."

"She was the only student you could always count on," Fisseha added. "It's easy to pass judgment...but I just want to show another picture of her."

Following the meeting, some students expressed dissastisfaction with the meeting' content.

"I've been thinking about 45 stab wounds," said a Currier House sophomore who declined to give her name. "You're telling me this girl is a nice person? She is not nice."

At the meeting, the HVA announced the establishment of a fund to assist Ho's family, for whom she was a primary wage earner. Contributions should be sent to: Bay Bank, P.O. Box 50001, Woburn, Mass. 01815.
