
Myers Decides to Step Down from City Council

Myers called the Stop and Shop issue one with "a lot more complexity than just saying yes or no."

"To say that one person influenced the outcomeon this issue really speaks for itself," Myerssaid. "I don't think I can take any greaterpersonal responsibility in that than any of 40other people.

Despite the criticism of some, Dick Clarey, oneof the CCA's two vice presidents, called Myers "avery faithful, good government councillor.

"Jonathan was always a person of greatintegrity and courage," Clarey said. "If he sawwrongdoing, he would speak out on it."


With Myers out of the running, pundits aretrying to predict the impact on this fall's citycouncil race.


Vice Mayor Sheila T. Russell and Clarey saidMyers' exit means it is likely that current schoolcommittee member Henrietta Davis will earn a seaton the council, as she is the most prominent CCAnon-incumbent candidate..

And Alan Steinert Jr. '58, chair of thecandidate selection committee for the Alliance forChange, said Myers' resignation may help to endthe control of the CCA over local politics.

But city councillor Francis H. Duehey' 55 saidit is too early to tell how Myers' decision willaffect campaign.

"He's an incumbent city councillor, and havinghim not run means there's a seat to be filled,"Duhay said. "I think that until we get fullknowledge of the entire slate of city councilcandidates, it's very hard to know how hard thatmakes it.
