
Newest Overseers Discuss Goals

He is also the former owner and managinggeneral partner of professional basketball'sDenver Nuggets franchise.

Bynoe is the only newly-chosen overseer withprior experience on the board.

He was elected in 1993 to a special two-yearterm to fill a vacancy created by Tutu'sresignation. In the interim, he served on theboard's Committee on Financial Policy.

"He's a bright guy, works well in groups," saysOverseer Stephen B. Kay '56, another member ofthat committee. "I think people on the overseersare uniformly happy that he was re-elected. I knowI was."

Bynoe intends to maintain his contribution toHarvard's finances.


"If Harvard cannot manage [its] financialchallenges, it will not be able to achieve itseducational mission," he wrote in the statement."As the decisions confronting the Universitybecome more complex, I am committed to helpingHarvard prosper, without sacrificing its traditionof diversity."

Bynoe earned his A.B. from Harvard in 1972. Hewent on to pursue a joint program with Harvard'sLaw School and Business School, and earned bothhis J.D. and MBA in 1976.

As an undergraduate, Bynoe helped recruitfaculty for Harvard's fledgling Department ofAfro-American Studies.

Today, he is director of the Michael JordanFoundation and has been involved in urbanrevitalization projects in Boston and Chicago,according to his ballot statement.

Technology and Education

Sharon E. Gagnon, the president of theUniversity of Alaska's Board of Regents, says shewants to explore the ways in which technologicaladvances "mesh with education."

Gagnon says recent technological developmentshave given students the ability to acquire immenseamounts of information. She says she wants toensure that students are able to think and analyzeand "apply human values to all the informationthey're getting."

"There's a lot that needs to be thatthe traditional values that we have concerninglearning are honored and that education takesplace for the students in view of all theinformation they're going to have at theirdisposal," she says.

Gagnon says she will also focus on the broadergoals of excellence, relevance, service andpermanence.

"I think I need to go to the meetings and seehow the overseers operate," she says.
