
Liberals Attack SJC Nominee

Law Professor Fried Faces Oppostion

NOW argues that this policy effectively denieslow-income women the opportunity to make a fullyinformed decision about reproductive healthoptions since federally-funded clinics arepatronized by women in the lower income brackets,Garrity says.

The Anti-Fried Coalition: The Committee for ajust Supreme Court also opposes Fried'sconfirmation because of his positions onreproductive rights.

According to the coalition, Fried has proveduntrustworthy by flip-flopping on the abortionissue.

As Solicitor General under Ronald Reagan, Friedattempted to overturn the Roe v. Wadedecision. He currently says that he will upholdreproductive rights laws.

"This is a guy who slithers around and changeshis position when convenient," Sarah Wunsch, chairof the coalition, told the Boston Globe.


'Not a Personal Belief'

In a telephone interview last week, Frieddenied that his positions on reproductive healthissues would affect his capability to performfairly the duties of a judge on the SJC.

Fried said he spoke with representatives fromNOW last Tuesday and assured them that his actionsas a judge would not reduce women's reproductiverights.

"This seems to be more of a symbolic battle on[NOW and the coalition's] part because I don'tthink they have anything to be concerned about,"Fried says.

Fried says he intends to stand by the precedentestablished by the Supreme Court and to abide bycurrent federal law.

"In my view, precedents are important not justfor federal constitutional decisions, but forstate constitutional decisions because the stateconstitution can be amended more easily," Friedsays. "I will uphold the precedents and federaldecisions which have been made."

Laurence H. Tribe '62, Tyler professor ofConstitutional law and Fried's colleague, alsorefutes opposition to the nomination on thesegrounds.

"He is, broadly speaking, a libertarian," Tribesays. "He is a very strong proponent of freespeech."

"Even though I strongly opposed the positionwhich he took as Solicitor General regardingRoe v. Wade, believe that this did notreflect either a personal belief on reproductivefreedom, or the views which he would take as statejudge on these very critical issues," he says.

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