
Five New Overseers Named

Harrison, known as "Jack," retired two yearsago after 21 years as vice president of The NewYork Times.

He said in an interview that he wants toimprove Harvard's commitment to public service.

"I'd like to explore on the edges some moresocietal things, like studying how to benefitinner-city underprivileged kids," he says.

Harrison has a long and impressive record ofpublic service. He and his wife providescholarships to inner-city students through theirfoundation.

And he is director of Georgia's Cities inSchools, a program educating underprivilegedchildren in the inner cities.


Harrison won a Pulitzer Prize in 1965 for aseries of editorials calling for improvements inminority housing in Gainesville, Florida.

At Harvard, he concentrated in English andparticipated in Phillips Brooks House.

Gagnon, the only new overseer who did notattend Harvard College, is president of theUniversity of Alaska's Board of Regents.

Gagnon said in an interview that she wants toprevent technological advances from swallowing uphuman values and analytical thinking.

"There's a lot that needs to be thatthe traditional values that we have concerninglearning are honored and that education takesplace for the students in view of all theinformation they're going to have at theirdisposal," she says.

Gagnon earned her A.M. and Ph.D. from Harvardin Romance Languages and Literatures.

A French literature specialist, she taught atVanderbilt University and the University of Alaskabefore moving to university administration.

Bynoe is the chair of Telemat Ltd., a sportsmarketing and project management firm.

He is the only new overseer with priorexperience on the board, having been elected to aspecial two-year term in 1993 when South AfricanArchbishop Desmond M. Tutu resigned.

Bynoe said in his ballot statement that theUniversity's primary concerns are financial.

"The key issues facing Harvard today revolvearound money: maintaining an admissions policythat is blind to a candidate's ability to pay, andstrengthening institutional financial integritydespite escalating financial aid, personnel andcapital costs," he said.

Bynoe holds three degrees from Harvard,including an A.B., a J.D. and an MBA. He is formerowner and managing general partner of professionalbasketball's Denver Nuggets
