
Lofty Aspirations, Bitter Fate: Two Lives Cross

A Dunster House sophomore who knew Ho said thejunior was a neat and quiet person, and seemed toher to be an ideal roommate. "She is a girl whoseemed to me to like to have everything in order,"the sophomore said.

Ho seemed unassuming and kind, she added. Onlyabout 5 feet tall, Ho was "very slight, [and] inher demeanor very Asian, in the sense of [being]very retiring, very demure," the sophomore said.

"She was neat, she studied a lot, she keptpictures of her family in her room, she went homeevery weekend" to Medford, the sophomore recalled.

Ho's family in Medford declined to speak withreporters yesterday afternoon, but left theirhouse to make funeral arrangements.

One friend said she is "angry and shocked."


"The girl who killed herself, she draggedsomeone along with her," she said. "[Ho] couldhave gone home in just a few days."CrimsonGabriel B. EberNEBIYELEUL TILAHUN '96
