"There are two parts of the centraladministration which I'm told would be mostunhappy that we might want to know more about howthings work," he said.
He cited the build-up of an internal legalapparatus--instead of outside, independent legalcounsel--as a problem.
"The function [of legal counsel] has changedfrom advice to governance," he said. "The giversof counsel have turned into givers of law."
In addition, he criticized the creation of anextensive public relations department.
"In the past, Harvard officials spoke out ascalled for," Landes said. "Now the masters of spinwant to create work for themselves."
"When Harvard officials pretend to speak forHarvard they are also speaking for us, and theyare spending our money," he said.
Landes said the committee represents a goodfirst step towards giving FAS a voice in thecentral administration's large decisions.
"I think that's going to make a great deal ofdifference," Landes said. "It will keep usinformed and keep the central administration onits toes.