
Cash May Be Next Business School Dean

"After [Cash] sort of got the [Leadership andLearning] ball rolling, a lot of people gotinvolved," said Caldwell Professor of BusinessAdministration Robert H. Hayes.

McKenney said the personal considerations Cashextends to others make him a caring administratorfor whom others are willing to work.

"He listens very well. He's good at probing howstrongly you feel, as well as how well you'vethought about the issues," McKenney said.

Cash is also a good leader because he is nottoo set in his ways, according to McKenney.

McKenney said Cash's leadership style issimilar to the current dean's, who "didn't have astrong agenda [and] just had a purpose."


"[Cash] makes his mind up but continues tolisten and shape [his opinion]," McKenney said.

But one professor who spoke on condition ofanonymity said Cash is not the most popular leaderin the faculty.

Cash may have "alienated a lot of people" asdirector of Leadership and Learning, the professorsaid.

"Jim took a lot of the heat for [Leadership andLearning's unpopular changes], which makes hiscandidacy a little more difficult," the sourcesaid.

But another professor who asked to remainunnamed said that for most leaders, "offend[ing]people...come[s] with the turf."

"Those things should be thought about, but it'simperative to understand the nature ofleadership," the professor said. "Some negativefallout and criticism is endemic to being a leaderand taking initiative."

"The question is not whether any leader isgoing to offend people but the quantum of offense.I don't think with [Cash] it's any greater thanthe norm," the professor added.


Cash's consideration of others would probablymake him a good fundraiser, said a faculty memberwho spoke on condition of anonymity.

"[Cash] has an honest belief in the mission ofthe place, and an ability to communicate whatcould be accomplished if someone comes on board,"the professor said.
