On the whole, however, all. three believed itwas a good step.
"I just hope that the student hand-book is notthe only method that this information is relayedand that this is the first step to widedistribution of this knowledge," Stafford said,"It's certainly an excellent beginning."
The entire handbook, as well as the 1995-96Courses of Instruction, which is availablebeginning today on the fas gopher server, will besubmitted to the faculty for approval on June 5.
But approval of the changes and the catalogitself is just a formality, one professor said.
"The meeting in June 5th is a poorly attendedmeeting [and] anything submitted at that meetingis just for routine approval," said Gary J.Feldman, a member of the faculty Council.
There was very little substance in thechanges," Feldman said, describing them as"routine [and] non-controversial.
A second change was an addition with regard tocross-registering in the Reserve Officers TrainingCorps (ROTC) program at MIT.
The new text read, "Current federal policy ofexcluding known lesbian, gay and bisexualindividuals from admission to ROTC or ofdischarging them from service is inconsistent withHarvard's values as stated in its policy ondiscrimination."
"Although the University respects the right ofundergraduates to choose to participate in ROTC,the University does not provide any financialordirect support for the ROTC program at MIT," theaddition reads."
Feldman said that this additior was part of astatement made by President Neil L. Rudenstinewhen he announced the new policy on ROTC lastNovember.
The final two changes make it explicit thatstudents cannot petition to receive credit forwork done out of residence during their freshmanyear and change the score requirement for placingout of the language requirement to 600 or betteron the new College Entrance Examination Board SATII Test