
Northeastern Nips W. Crew by a Hair

"Everyone just got angry," Flatt said. "We just all hauled it in."

The Black and White was in sync and gaining ground quickly on the Husky boat as the crews approached the finish line.

The effort was, however, just a little bit too late. Northeastern crossed the finish line ahead of Radcliffe by a mere three-tenths of a second.

"Another five strokes and we would have had them," Flatt said. "It was an amazing sprint. We were all together, it's a great feeling when we win."

But as has been too often the case this season, a win was not in the cards for the Black and White.


Radcliffe finished up its dual meet season with just one victory, a much needed win last Saturday against Boston University.

The Black and White has set itself up as a rather large underdog heading into the women's Eastern Sprints this weekend at Lake Waramug in New Preston, Conn.

What better place is there for the 'Cliffies to be in, though? Radcliffe enters the Sprints with few expectations upon it, and something to prove not only to the rest of the rowing world, but to itself.

"We really haven't shown how strong a team we have this year," Flatt said. "We are pretty confident we can come back next week and beat Northeastern and a lot of the other teams we lost to this year."
