
Faculty Council Debates Class Pre-Registration

The Council also approved a policy to requireteaching fellows to attend the lectures for thecourses they are teaching.

"Teaching fellows and other instructionalsupport staff are required to attend lectures ofthe courses in which they are employed, unless inthe judgment of the course head the nature oftheir work for the course does not depend on thecontent of the lectures," the Council's resolutionreads.

"I think it was the view that the Universityshould have a policy, that the Faculty should havea policy," said Professor of Government Kenneth A.Shepsle.

"I think [Dean for Undergraduate EducationLawrence Buell] felt that there should be a policyin place to which he could refer."

To accommodate the varied roles that graduatestudents in different fields serve, the Councilprovides professors with the opportunity to exempttheir teaching fellows from attending lectures,Shepsle said.


"My understanding is that, especially in thesciences, there are roles that are notlecture-intensive or lecture-dependent," Shepslesaid.

Shepsle cautioned that although the Council wasin favor of the requirement, the full Faculty,which will also have to vote on the resolution,could feel differently.

In other business, Dean of the Graduate SchoolChristoph Wolff made a presentation to the Councilabout the possibility of other faculties grantingthe Ph.D.

Currently, only FAS has the power to grant thePh.D. Five professional schools have programsaffiliated with FAS through which students canearn a Ph.D.

Wolff reported that the structure of theUniversity seems to limit the possibility ofallowing other graduate schools to grant thePh.D., Fox said.

But the graduate schools may still submitproposals for a way to grant the Ph.D.independently
