
Student Is Injured in Hit-and-Run

Another friend eventually called an ambulanceabout an hour after the incident, Johnson said.

"I went to dinner and when I came back I hadfour EMS people in my room," Ho said.

House Master William H. Bossert and other housestaff and students watched while Mossman, strappedto a stretcher and wearing a neck brace and icepack, was wheeled onto an ambulance.

"It was interesting to watch them trying topull her out of my room and down the staircase,"Ho said. "She could obviously walk; it was justsomething they had to do for legal liability."

Mossman was checked at the hospital andreleased after a couple of hours. Speakingyesterday, Mossman said that she is recoveringwell and that she is "just bruised."


Bossert could not be reached for commentyesterday
