
Coop's Board of Directors Is Chosen

"I get a good cross section of studentopinion," Ying said. "People are disappointedabout the lack of a rebate."

"I think the textbook rebate was more geared tostudents [than the general rebate was]." he said."They saw a bigger percentage of textbookpurchases."

Ying said he hopes to make the Coop morecompetitive.

"I'd like to make the Coop an attractive optionfor the students to go to again," he said. "I'dlike it to be a more general store that studentswould go to."

MIT students who won election to the board areJason P. Davis, David Garner, Howard Man and AntonC. Pil.


Pil, who served on the Coop board last year aswell, said that like Harvard students, MITstudents have a "pretty negative" view of theCoop.

"People have been really disappointed thatthey're hasn't been a rebate," Pil said. "There isa valid perception that the Coop doesn't cater tostudents' needs."

"We have to remember that the student membersaren't the only members of the Coop," he added."The rest of the Coop membership is much largerthan the student membership."

Pil also said that he liked the new textbookrebate implemented in the fall, and hopes tocontinue using it.

"The old [general] rebate system may have togo," he said. "I'm trying to figure out a rebatemore geared toward students."

Pil said he will also work to reform the Coop'selection process by changing the election so thatit does not coincide with students' springvacations.

Sarah J. Schaffer contributed to thereporting of this article.
