Foxman said no newspaper would have run asimilar advertisement denying the existence ofslavery in the U.S. The Crimson did not publishthe advertisement.
Foxman also blasted City University of New Yorkprofessor Leonard Jeffries, who was fired as chairof City College's Black studies department foranti-Semitic remarks, but was subsequentlyreinstated.
Foxman added: "Rev. Farrakhan is a Black racistwhose enemy is white man--it's 'whitie.' But itisn't safe to take on a 'whitie.' What is safe isto take on the Jew in the white community."
Foxman said a pressing concern was the absenceof immediate condemnation of personalities such asDavid Duke and Pat Buchanan, who have madeanti-Semitic remarks.
"Permissiveness has made it more permissible inthis society for racists and anti-Semites to selltheir wares," Foxman warned.
But the attorney concluded his speech, "TheRenaissance of Conspiracy Theories," with a noteof hope.
"There is an innate decency in our society thatsays, 'No, enough,'" Foxman said. "The moreconspiracy theories take life, the more conspiracytheories become popular, the more the need for usto stand up and ask the questions and say 'Nomore, we've had it.'