
Official Proposes Ban On Bikes in Commons

Vice Mayor Responds to Complaints

Councillor Michael A. Sullivan agreed thatbicycles should not be allowed in the Commons.

"The fear of both seniors and others to gothrough the Commons is ridiculous," Sullivan said.

Harvard's Presence

Harvard Police Sgt. Lawrence J. Fennelly, whosupervises the police department's bike-safetyprogram, and Director of Community Relations HappyGreen were present at the hearing.

"Harvard is very interested in working with thecity to find a resolution," Green said in aninterview after the meeting.


But Green said she did not yet know what typeof resolution might be reached. "The cityobviously has a right to do what it's going to dowith the Commons." Green said.

The issue of bike safety has also come beforethe Undergraduate Council's Committee on CampusLife, according to Pforzheimer House Co-MasterHanna M. Hastings.

Hastings, who regularly bikes through theCommons, said she would support "100 percent" acompromise that would accommodate both bicyclistsand pedestrians.

Pforzheimer House Master J. Woodland Hastingsagreed.

"One of the efforts the Cambridge city councilis to decrease automobile traffic in Cambridge,but they've done nothing to enhance the use ofalternate possibilities," he said.

"Bicycles have been terribly neglected," Mr.Hastings added. "The cost of bicycle lanes isminuscule compared to the cost of automobilestreets."

Mr. Hastings said Quad residents and oftendiscouraged from biking to the Yard because theyface dangers from drivers.

"As maters, we see there are enormous numbersof students who have bicycles, yet in a largenumber of instances they don't end up using thembecause it's not safe and it's not convenient."he said. "Many students have been hit by cars."

Mrs. Hastings said she would support theaddition of bicycle paths to the Yard as well.Currently, students must walk their bikes withinthe Yard.

"When we first became masters, we talked to theHarvard Planning Office to get a path built fromthe Quad to the Yard," Mrs. Hastings said She saidher efforts were unsuccessful.

Ordinance Committee

The ordinance committee is expected toreconsider the proposed ban and alternativecompromises late next month.

Russell said last night she is amenable to acompromise as long as it helps produce"responsible cyclists."

Russell said she proposed the ban to get theBicycle Committee moving faster.

"I actually proposed this to king of prod them,to get them to move a little faster on it," thevice mayor said
