
New Arts Program to Debut in Fall

Orientation Event to Be in Style of Outdoor, Urban Weeks

"More people apply to FOP every year than wecan accommodate. If there are other programs outthere, we can get as many interested people intoorientation programs, making a better freshmanweek and freshman year," said FOP steeringcommittee member Joshua D. Kantrowitz '96.

There is hope that FAP will foster a sense ofcommunity in the arts at Harvard, which somecriticize as being relatively diffuse. "Thebiggest problem with Harvard is that there is nota strong arts community," said Saunders, who is aVES major. "You can find arts events, but not anarts community here," he said.

"FAP definitely a step in the right direction,especially for Harvard which has the artsfacilities but not the programs. You have to beselfmotivated to pursue arts here," said RebeccaL. Baumann '98, a violinist who plays with severaldifferent ensembles.

FAP steering committee member and Gillbert andSullivan Players president Jill R. Weitzner '96says that students who perceive a lack of artsresources at Harvard may simply not realize thatextensive options are available to them. "Thereare so many art resources at Harvard, it isoverwhelming in some ways. I think students gethere and they begin to focus in on one area sothat they lose the bigger picture," said Weitzner.

FAP offers a jump-start in artistic networkingfor the program participants. "We also hope thatthey will make contacts with students, faculty andadministrators which are involved in the arts atHarvard, so that they know who to talk to whenthey get here. They'll have contacts that they'vealready made," said Marian A. Myszkowski,coordinator of student and public programs atHUAM.


The program hopes that the students whoparticipate in FAP will be able to share theirknowledge. "We want them to know enough to becomeengaged in the arts community at Harvard, and sothey can introduce fresh ideas and enthusiasm,"said Nathans.

"We're going to have some students who arewell-versed in all of the resources of Harvard,and can spread these resources to their friends,"said Weitzner.

FAP originators stress that this is the firstyear of the program, and that its long-term formatmay be very different, "This is a pilot year. Wewant to make it very clear that it is the firsttime. There are rough spots. We just want to havefun doing it," said Symonds.

"The fun about a pilot program is that we don'tknow how things are going to turn out, so you takerisks," said Nathans.

FAP's premier is well under way, but Symondshas just one final question: "What are you goingto do with the rest of the vowels?
