
Former Guard Wins Legal Round

Immigrant Says He Was Fired for Speaking Out on Dept. Bias

The former guard could not be reached forcomment last night.

"They ruined the guy," Doherty said. "He had acondominium. He worked for Harvard for six years.There was this campaign against him, they calledhim a 'fucking Russian,' told people they weregoing to get this 'fucking Russian,' so he losthis job, lost his condominium."

A probe by University officials in 1993disputed the claims of Abramian and other securityguards who at the time maintained that some oftheir supervisors racially harassed them.

Those guards had also claimed that supervisorsretaliated against colleagues who complained, anaccusation which the probe also denied.

Since the probe, some security guards haveclaimed that have been targeted by superior forspeaking out against discrimination.


Former University security guard Pierre R. Vossfiled a complaint with the MassachusettsCommission Against Discrimination in 1993,alleging he was fired by the University for hispublic remarks about discrimination in the unit.His case was later dismissed.

In February, security guard Stephen G. McCombewas suspended for allegedly harassing a BlackGraduate School of Education student.

But McCombe claims his punishment was actuallyretaliation for having defended the securityguards complaining about racial discrimination,two years earlier. At that time, McCombe wasserving as a steward for the guards' union. Hiscomplaint against the University is still pending
