
Benefits Committee Issues Recommendations

The report of the Faculty Standing Committee on Benefits, released publicly yesterday, asks Dean of the Faculty Jeremy R. Knowles to recommend that the Corporation rescind a one percent reduction in pension contributions and delay the implementation date of changes to postretirement health benefits by one year.

The report asks the dean to recommend that the Corporation, the more powerful of the University's two governing boards, approve the committee's proposals. The Corporation must approve any changes to the current benefits policy.

"The Committee asks that you, on behalf of FAS, forward these recommendations about the announced changes in benefits to the Corporation, and that you urge the Corporation to implement our recommendations," the report asks Knowles.

The committee, chaired by Professor of Sociology Peter V. Marsden, also acknowledged a continuing sense among members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) that last year's review of fringe benefits changes was unfair.

"We must report that many faculty and staff members remain troubled by the process," the report says. "Not a few regard the changes, while within the University's legal rights to alter benefit programs as its needs and resources change, as a breach of trust between the University and its faculty and staff."


In an interview yesterday, Marsden downplayed the significance of that section of the report.

"I don't think we want to overdramatize that," Marsden said. "The report is really directed toward a couple of issues about the changes themselves. Other reports have really addressed the process."

But McKay Professor of Mechanical Engineering Frederick H. Abernathy, who co-authored a report last fall critical of the review process, said that the review, conducted by a committeewithout faculty members, is still a concern.

"Nothing has happened that has changed that,"Abernathy said. "I think that is a concern withsome faculty and I think the committeerecommendations were attempting to help that."

In an interview Monday, Knowles refused to takea stand on the report, but it seemed likely fromthe dean's comments that he will advise theCorporation to approve the recommendations.

"The committee [has written] a very thoughtfuland analytical report," Knowles said Monday.

"If I thought it were a poor argument, would Ihave said it was thoughtful and analytical?" thedean also said. "I am relatively sparing with mypraise."

Knowles said the report was sent to theCorporation immediately after he received it onMarch 21. But it is unclear if Corporation membershave discussed the proposals.

"I'd like to think they've discussed it, but Ihaven't heard anything substantive," Marsden said.

The Findings

The report details the committee's research andfindings, leading up to the two recommendations,which were originally presented at the fullFaculty meeting last month.
