
Houghton Will Assume Post On Corporation

Corning, Inc. CEO to Replace Slichter On University's Top Governing Board

Houghton clearly has a lengthy resume ofbusiness experience, but his appointment, coupledwith the imminent departure of Slichter, meansthat no academics from outside Harvard will remainon the University's top governing body by the endof the year.

Indeed, the appointment of Houghton leavesRudenstine and Geyser University Professor HenryRosovsky as the only academics left on theCorporation.

This may upset some faculty members, who haverecently expressed concerns that the University isassuming a more corporate atmosphere.

Houghton currently lives in Corning, N.Y., withMaisie Kinnicutt Houghton '62, his wife of 33years. The Houghtons have two children, JamesHoughton '86 and Nina, who graduated from Stanfordin 1988.

The Corporation, the more powerful of Harvard'stwo governing boards, controls Harvard's basicoperations, particularly fiscal, management andpolicy concerns. It consists of five Fellows, aswell as the treasurer and president of theUniversity.


In addition to Rudenstine and Rosovsky, theCorporation consists of three business executivesand a lawyer: Treasurer D. Ronald Daniel, RobertG. Stone Jr. '45, Richard A. Smith '46 and JudithRichards Hope
