
Yale TAs to Strike Today

Requests for Union Recognition Ignored

Two groups--Graduates Against GESO (GAG) andGraduates Against Unionization (GAU)--havepostered the Yale campus, opposing the strike.

"Philosophically we don't see ourselves as Yaleemployees," said Jim D. McCambridge, a member ofboth GAG and GAU. "We see ourselves as studentsand student-teachers. The money we receive forteaching sections or grading papers is notrecompense. It's not a salary. It's a fellowship."

"The paradigm of management and labor isinappropriate and brings a host of problems withit. The first is the politicization and divisionbetween graduate students and undergrads, facultyadvisers and the administration," McCambridgeadded.

GAG and GAU have attracted fewer than 40members, according to McCambridge, a sixth-yearstudent of applied physics.

But Weinbaum dismissed McCambridge'scomplaints.


"[The anti-GESO groups] represent an extremelysmall minority of people--maybe three," she said."They should come participate in this election.They should come vote.
