Toscanini Chamber Orchestra. Presents aconcert featuring works of Vivaldi, Haydn,Beethoven and Dvorak. Paine Concert Hall, 8 p.m.Free.
Harvard Film Archive. Carpenter Centerfor the Visual Arts. 495-4700. $5 for students."The Apartment" at 3 p.m. "Missing" at 7 p.m."Vautrin" at 9:15 p.m.
Gandhi and Humanism. Mark Lindley,assistant humanist chaplain, United Ministry.Science Center D, 1 p.m.1 May Monday
Poetry and prose
New England Poetry Club. Ted and ReneeWeiss. Emerson Hall 105, 7:30 p.m. Call 643-0029for more information.2 May Tuesday
A Talk by Janice Jackson. Jackson,deputy assistant secretary for elementary andsecondary education, U.S. Department of Education.Eliot-Lyman Room, Longfellow Hall, 6 p.m.3 May Wednesday
Dialogues with Andrew Cohen. Cohen,spiritual teacher and author of the newly releasedbook, An Unconditional Relationship to Life.Harvard Divinity School, Sperry Room, AndoverHall, 8 p.m. Call 446-9770 for more information.
A Talk by John Engler. Engler is thegovernor of Michigan. Gutman Conference Center,Graduate School of Education, 7:30 p.m