
New Committee May Monitor FAS Budget

An update describing the proposed committee'scharge should be mailed to faculty members laterthis week, Knowles said.

Feldman said the Landes and the council haddecided that a confrontational committee would notbe effective and that the proposedcommittee--although a compromise--would be moreworkable.

Landes could not be reached for commentyesterday evening.

Currently, the faculty considers the centraladministration and Corporation's actions on an adhoc basis.

FAS created a standing committee this Januaryto review the central administration's decision tochange fringe benefits, which concluded that theCorporation rescind one of its decisions and delayanother.


Knowles submitted the report to the Corporationfor its consideration late last month, butCorporation members and University officials haverefused to comment on what the Corporation hasdone or will do with regards to the matter.

Knowles said yesterday he does not know wherethe Corporation stands on the benefitsrecommendations.

Feldman said that the proposed committee is notdesigned to monitor decisions on benefits orsimilar maters
