Lee said gay white men may engage in a"playground fantasy" based on stereotypes of Asiansexuality. Lim-hing, however, said women are lessprone to requesting partners from specific ethnicgroups.
"Women being more aware of pressure toconform...makes them generally be more open-mindedto [a variety of] appearances," Lim-hing said.
Hussein said there has been an unfair backlashagainst white gays who area attracted to Asianmen. He said the existence of interracial gayrelationship is a reflection of increasingpluralism in American society.
"Is it purely the exoticization of the 'other'and dehumanizing the person, or hasmulticulturalism worked in the way it's supposedto work?" Hussein asked.
Eddie Gonzalez-Novoa, a Divinity School studentin the audience, said homosexual stereotypesinclude "the hypersexualization of Black andLatino men and the desexualization of Asian men."
Asked whether there is a tension between gayAsian American cultural and sexual identities,Hussein said, "there aren't single affinities forany of us anymore.