"It's fair to say that 50 percent of Curriermay be smoking or doesn't mind smoking," he said.
Room Selection
Buchwald said students who dislike cigarettesmoke should take this factor into considerationwhen choosing their rooms and avoid selectingrooms in Daniels or Gilbert Halls.
"I don't think students who are severelyopposed to smoking should be living in one of thetwo towers that are considered a smoking tower,"he said. "That's going against the whole purposeof having a compromise of this nature."
But some of those students who have beenbothered by smoke in the past said yesterdayBuchwald's suggestion may not be an option.
Jay Kurt Schumacher, Jr. '96, Matthew B. Emans'96 and Evan J. Eason '96, who is a Crimsoneditor, have selected the only three-person suitein the house, which happens to be in Gilbert Hall,Schumacher said.
"The Currier House administration has stakedout an untenable position by forcing us to choosebetween spending our senior year in a smoke-freetower with a floater or taking the onlythree-person suite in the house, which happens tohave been included in the smoking area,"Schumacher said. "For us this was the only logicaloption. We hope it won't be a problem."
Schumacher said if second-hand smoke becomes aproblem, his group will likely complain.
"We'll have to look at the specific situation,"he said. "If it's bad enough, I would think thatwe will."
The Law
And the group of three may have a legal rightto a non-smoking room in Gilbert Hall, regardlessof the compromise, said Joseph Nicoloro, seniorsanitary inspector of the Cambridge Department ofEnvironmental Health.
"Smoking is one's own privacy, unless oneaffects somebody," Nicoloro said. "Then we've gota problem--it's a shame, but that's what happenswhen you've got poor exhaust systems."
Nicoloro said Harvard may be "responsible to apoint to take corrective measures" to protect thehealth of non-smokers.
And Sue R. Kane, Harvard College's housingofficer, said house masters must restrict smokingif the smoke enters the hallways.
For now, Currier residents and masters say theyare hoping the current compromise will suffice