
HLS Students Sponsor 'Bosnia Week'

Group Organized Speakers, Movies to Raise Awareness of Crisis

Chris W. Ford, a first year law student who signed a letter yesterday to Boutros-Ghali and to Senator Edward M. Kennedy '54-'56 (D- ,Mass.)supporting funding for an investigationof war crimes, commended the idea behind BosnianEducation Week.

"I think the information is presented in afair-minded way," Ford said.

Group members said they have been encouraged bythe widespread support and participation it hasgenerated for the Bosnian cause this week.

About 40 people have attended each speech ormovie event so far this week, and nearly 50letters have been signed organizers said.

The group is also advertising an event called"Walk for the Children of Bosnia," which isorganized by the New England Bosnian ReliefCommittee.

By raising pledges for a 10 kilometer walk,participants can help the Committee contribute torelief efforts for children in Bosnia Herzegovina.


Green, Qureshi and fellow first year HLSstudents Debbie Sullivan, W. Warren Binford andMark Hickernell have been responsible forcoordinating the week's events
