
Evidence Points to Ellwood As Pick

"That's about six months old," Winston saidyesterday. "She's not considering it. It was sixmonths ago that she was on [some kind of] shortlist."

Of course, the name of former professor JosephS. Nye, now an Assistant Secretary of Defense, isalways in the rumor mill, although many said thisweek they doubt that he would accept the postafter being passed over several years ago whenCarnesale was chosen to replace Dillon Professorof International Affairs Robert D. Putnam.

Finally, Robert D. Reischauer, who recentlyresigned as director of the Congressional BudgetOffice, has been named by some as a possiblecontender.

Reischauer, though, was dismissed by many atthe Kennedy School this week for his limitedacademic experience. (His father is Edwin O.Reischauer, former Harvard professor andAmbassador to Japan.)

Still others have mentioned Kennedy School'sAcademic Dean Alan C. Altshuler, a member ofRudenstine's advisory committee, as a possiblecandidate.


Albert Carnesale has been serving as both deanof the Kennedy School while President Neil L.Rudenstine searches for a replacement.

This winter Carnesale served as actingpresident, while Rudenstine took a leave ofabsence due to exhaustion, while filling both ofhis other posts.

Altshuler has been handling many of the dean'sresponsibilities as Carnesale splits his timebetween the school and Massachusetts Hall,Carnesale said in a recent interview
