"It is like a hangover beyond death, eventhough you didn't drink anything," Donlan said."It will probably take about three days torecover."
"I'm really tired," Hrnicek said. "I'mdefinitely going to sleep for awhile."
And although a little sore this morning, mostof the Harvard contingent enjoyed themselvesyesterday.
"The crowd support was just awesome. These guyswere cranking the theme from Rocky and Chariots ofFire from their stereos," Hrnicek said. "The musicof Chariots of Fire really inspired me."
"I bumped into some friends along the way, andit's cool that random people will come up to youand talk," Donlan said. "It's a nice sense ofcommunity in the city, at least for one day."
However, Parekh when asked if he would runagain, answered a resounding "Hell no."
Parekh's grueling race yesterday, howeverfinished on a light note.
"As I coming down the last stretch, I saw a guywho looked like [Dean of Students] Archie [C.]Epps [III] moon the runners as they went by,"Parekh said. "I talked to some other Harvardpeople after the race and they all said the personlooked like Dean Epp.,"
None of the Harvard students who ranyesterday's race were members of the track team,because the track coaches "discourage them fromrunning," according to assistant track coachWalter W. Johnson.
"We're in the midst of our season right now andrunning a marathon would be too much for them torecover from," Johnson said