
Mack's Research Is Under Scrutiny

Nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman, who hadreceived a letter from Sheehan, said "I considerit a vicious attack, not because I necessarilyendorse all of John's methodology."

Friedman, an international lecturer on ufology,continued, "But that isn't the question. Thenotion that [Mack] shouldn't study the area iswhat I consider a 'witch hunt.'"

Robert A. Baker, professor emeritus ofpsychology at the University of Kentucky, said, "Idon't think anyone is trying to shut him up buttrying to see if he has not lost touch withreality."

"The question is: has he done anything todamage the institution and what it stands for?That is the problem," Baker said. "it's Mack'sideas, which are crazy, which are connected withHarvard University, and Harvard University doesnot promote crazy ideas."

With all the controversy and confusionsurrounding the actual intentions of thecommittee, Robert Mitchell, a Board member for theorganization for paranormal Understanding andSupport, said "There's a lot of innuendo andhearsay going on, but nobody knows for sure."


"I don't think that this is the kind ofpublicity that Harvard would like to see gonational," Mitchell said. "I think possibly thatMack wanted to keep this very quiet and then itleaked out and then it got into the Internet andthen it snowballed."

The informed source affirmed the integrity andfairness of the proceedings. The source stated"Mack was asked to appear and the voluntarilycooperated."

While there is much theorizing as to thecommittee's motives and purpose, Miller said "I'djust like to see that the committee looks at thisvery seriously. I'd be very happy to have moregood minds works on this and see what they come upwith."

"Some days I believe that this is definitelyreal and sometimes I think that it's a bunch ofhogwash," Miller said. "I don't have any axe togrind--whether there are aliens or not. I wouldjust like to know what the truth is. We'll neverfind the truth until we look.
