A petition for censure requires three days ofnotice before the issue can be brought to trial,Schmitt said.
An emergency meeting of the council's executiveboard was called yesterday at which Listonrequested that the names of the members who signedthe petition be released, Label said.
Label and Schmitt decided not to release thenames.
"My understanding is that the precedent ismixed," Label said. "I'm not aware of a perfectlymatched precedent where some of the ten membershave asked that their names not be given."
"I'm not going to release the names without thesay so of the executive board or the council as awhole," Label said. "It's possible that Josh, asfinal arbiter of the constitution, could force meto, but he has not done so yet."
Liston said the debate on Sunday will settlethe issue once and for all.
"I'm going to show so many examples that I saidI was not representing the U.C.," Liston said,"that everybody is going to laugh Randy Fine andVan Taylor out of the damn room.