
U.C. Considers Direct Elections

Students Could Vote for Council Pres., V.P. if May Referendum Passes

To be binding, half of the student body has to vote and at least 75 percent of the votes must be in favor of the referendum.

In other business, the council decided to delayawarding grants to student organizations for aweek in deference to council members who cannotattend the meeting on Easter Sunday.

Finance committee Chair Robert C. Hyman '98said the delay is necessary because the councilwould be irresponsible to vote on the grantspackage at a time when many of its members will beabsent due to the holiday.

"This is the most important thing the councildoes," Hyman said, referring to the awarding ofgrants to student groups. "Should we be voting ona $32,000 package with the bare minimum of peoplehere?"

The council also voted to again attempt tobring comedian Chris Rock to Harvard. The councilpreviously tried to hold a comedy concert withRock this month, but plans fell through due to aconflict with Rock's schedule.

Co-chair of the council's campus life committeeJonathan P. Feeney '97 said the council will tryto schedule the concert for the week of the May 4.


"There is a group practicing in Sanders Theatrethat week," Feeney said. "But we're trying to worksomething out with them, bribe them with freetickets, whatever."

The council also passed a bill to match housecommittee funds up to $500 for a joint party ofEliot, Kirkland and Winthrop houses.

This bill takes advantage of two newpolicies--the council's commitment to supporthouse committee events that benefit a largeportion of the College and the administration'snew policy allowing houses to cohost parties wherealcohol is served
