
Bio-Lab Eatery Reopens

The name of the deli dates back to that firstsmall deli, which according to Barbara A. Yanoff,Larry Yanoff's mother, was "like a hole in thewall."

Barbara Yanoff said that at one time they hadsix New York-style delis in Boston. She said shewill be helping out occasionally at the Bio-LabsCafe.

Larry Yanoff and his mother said they arehopeful that their business will flourish atHarvard.

"Come on down and give us a try," Larry Yanoffsaid. "We would like the opportunity to serveyou."

Some previous customers of Hole'n the Wall inBoston interviewed yesterday praised the deli.


"Everything is fresh, tasty, best quality andvery appealing and they take a lot of pride inwhat they serve," said Cynthia Rovner, a four-yearregular of the branch at 125 Summer Street inBoston.

Yanoff said the Bio-Labs Cafe will be openMonday through Friday, 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thegrand opening celebration will take place thisWednesday
