
Gov. Dep't to Alter Its Requirements

Concentration May Eliminate By-Pass For Two of Four Introductory Classes

"All of the people I know are planning on taking the bypass classes," said Claudia Y. Sanchez '97, a government concentrator.

"I've taken Gov 20 and am plan-

Professors said the department's board oftutors will now draw up the exact requirements andthen present them to the faculty for finalapproval.

The professors willing to talk about thechanges said they were sure they would beapproved.

One, Professor of Government Timothy Colton,did not draw a distinction between the proposaland any eventual changes.

"We voted some changes at the meeting," Coltonsaid. "The only issue that was very controversialwas the bypass requirement."


The professors also discussed having acomprehensive exam for senior honorsconcentrators, Colton said.

Other professors contacted yesterday refused todiscuss the meeting in any detail, saying eitherthat no action had been taken or that the issuewould be made public at an appropriate time.

All of the professors interviewed said thatProfessor of Government Louise Richardson is theperson officially in charge of any such change.

Richardson said in a brief interview yesterdaythat changes are "certainly under discussion, butthese things take time."

"There are no decisions," Professor ofGovernment James E. Alt said. "If there is a newplan, when there is one, we will be happy toprovide multiple copies of it to everyone whowants one."

"Until then; people should continue to livetheir lives taking the wonderful classes that thegovernment department offers," Alt added.

Professor of Government Paul E. Peterson, whoteaches Government 30, one of the introductoryclasses, said the real issue is an academic one.

"Is there a core body of knowledge that allundergraduate concentrators should know,or...should we allow students to pursue theirdifferent interests?" Peterson said. "I think bothare true, which is why it is not easy to say whatto do."

Peterson said that he and Professor ofGovernment Morris P. Fiorina, Jr. have devotedmuch of their time to improving Government 30 overthe few years.

"We have tried to make it as effective a courseas we possibly can, and there has been substantialCUE guide rating improvements," Peterson said.

"I don't know how the changes will affect thecourse. It will depend on how students like it,"Peterson added.

In addition to discussing changes in the bypassrequirements, the faculty voted to drop a rulerequiring seniors have an 11.5 grade point averagein order to write a senior thesis, Pharr said.

The rule had been enacted in the early 1990'sbut was never implemented, Pharr said.

"We regard the decision to write a seniorthesis as a very personal decision, and if ahighly motivated student wants to write a seniorthesis we don't think there should be an arbitrarycut off to bar the way," Pharr said
